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A straightforward, no-nonsense remedial therapy that is non-intrusive, gentle and very effective.

A Bowen Technique treatment affects the body in ways which promote healing, pain relief and recovery of energy. The experience of the treatment is gentle, subtle and relaxing and it is these features which make The Bowen Technique so unique. Osteopaths, chiropractors, sports therapists and physiotherapists are among the many professional practitioners who use The Bowen Technique and all who practice it are continually amazed at the effectiveness of this simple and gentle form of "hands on" therapy.

The Bowen TechniqueRussell Dick, an osteopath for 20 years and former Dean of Studies at the Northern Counties School of Osteopathy, says: "Bowen has turned my practice on its head, with 80% of my patients being given Bowen as a first choice".

Non-professionals, too, are delighted with the results which can be achieved on family and friends.

Please Note
The Bowen Technique is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. If in doubt please consult your Doctor

© Body Harmony International 2006-08